Art Event - Pop Up with Affordableartumi in the City on 12th March 2019

Pop Up in the City!
So I started my day with a suitcase as big as me, battling the natural elements, wind, rain and cold on my walk to the tube station. I joined the busy Londoners scurrying past without even looking to see if I could do with some help but I remembered those days when I used to work and my daily commute to the city where I would be the same, your goal is to get from A to B so everyone/everything around you is a blur. Never mind, some nicer, more observant people did help me get on the train and I even managed to find a seat! The journey should have been an hour from where I started to Liverpool Street so I had planned some extra time to get to the Pop Up venue so I can set-up. Little did I know a passenger alarm had been set off in the train before ours and we would be held there for unexplained time until I could get off the tube to change for central line. After fifteen minutes wait in the tunnel, the tube started moving again and then the driver announced the central line is not running from the station where I had planned to get it from! I decided to get off at another stop where I could catch the circle line. I had to walk through passageways that seemed endless with my large suitcase and then there were steps I struggled to go up and down on by myself without asking anyone for help. Sometimes someone saw my struggle and offered to help and other times I managed on my own. In my hurry I took the first tube from the platform as soon as I got there, my fault as it was the wrong train so I had to get off the next stop, walked around to the correct platform this time, again having to drag my huge suitcase but I managed. Waiting at the platform for the train I needed but of course the circle line that I needed was delayed for whatever reason. I checked my watch and I was well past the time I said I’d show up and I couldn’t believe my luck.
Despite all this, my spirit was still high and I stayed positive, the train I needed finally arrived and I arrived at Liverpool Street station late but still managed to get there. I scurried passed all the people as quickly as I could with my suitcase, thanked those who helped me on the steps then I saw the light at the end of the to speak, the exit gate out of the station so hurried, checking my pockets for the ticket while dragging the suitcase, finding it I waved the tickets at the gate ignoring someone saying "EXCUSE ME!" clearly they are not talking to me? I only turned around after I got through the gates and saw a man standing there with his BIG suitcase looking at me aghast as I had just pushed passed him to get through the gate! I said I'm sorry! I didn't see you there! and he replied "clearly!" I apologised again and wished him a good day but he clearly did not accept my apology as he stomp passed me! I arrived at the venue 30 minutes later than expected but I set up my artwork as quickly as I could. Before long I made my first sale of the day and met some nice people.
I ended the day with three sales and contacts for future Pop Ups in the city so the moral of this story is good things can come through bad beginnings😀
Then of course there was my journey back home on the tube!🙄


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