Rabbit Garden Ornament, Paper Weight Gift Sculpture Home Decor, Gifts Fo...

Find it here: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1264401650/rabbit-garden-ornament-paper-weight-gift?click_key=f553b0998a2a53264fdaf7a953faab92ea27802b%3A1264401650&click_sum=251bd19e&ref=shop_home_active_1&frs=1&sts=1 This cute bunny is glass sculpture is a heavy and solid glass ornament that is suitable for both indoor and outdoor display. Most likely used as paper weight or similar purpose is sculpted beautifully in green tinted glass with a hint of blue tone, feels smooth and solid to the touch in perfect condition. Measurement approx.: 16(H) x 7(L) x 13(W) cm. Worldwide shipping experience over 10 years.


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