Erotic Art and UK

Mmmmm...I was asked this question today and I'm not really sure what the answer is but does erotic art sells well in the UK?  Who knows the answer to this?  I would say British people may not appreciate this type of art or do they?  I would think if it was done in a tasteful manner where it is not pornographic then it may appeal but where do you draw the line?  I think my copy of Le Reve by Pablo Picasso was seen as erotic painting due to the content of the painting.  It was pointed out that Picasso has painted an erect penis, presumably symbolizing his own, in the upturned face of his model.  I think in this case I fail to see that however, I could like and enjoy this type of painting as it is not alway obvious but left to the imagination of each individual.  Agreed?

Kumi Rajagopal


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